About Us
Founded in 2019, Scale Railroad Models provides Prototypical and Historical Building Kits for HO and N Scale Model Railroaders. Our founder has been a Model Railroader for his entire life starting with a Tyco HO layout on an 8'x4' piece of plywood at the age of 6 with his older brother. The bug apparently never left and he started collecting N Scale building kits, locomotives, rolling stock and scenery items for about 30 years. However, during that time many of those building kits were assembled to be ready for the day he was able to build a real layout.
After about 30 years the amount of Model Railroad items reached critical mass and it was time to actually start a layout. He built a 70 linear foot N Scale layout in an oversized one car garage that was walled in so that it could be climate controlled. The benchwork was added, and track laid. Then it became time to start looking at how to put scenery in and where to place the many buildings (DPM, Model Power, Walther's Cornerstone, Heljin, etc.) that had been assembled over the years.
After many visits to Model Train shows and home tours to look at how others had placed buildings and scenery, it became apparent that there was a distinct lack of diversity in the buildings that were being used on everybody's layouts. They were all DPM, Model Power, Walther's Cornerstone, Heljin, etc. Many of them had been kit-bashed, but it was still apparent of the basis/pedigree of the model and that they were all the same building that had been built, by our founder, over the years prior to the layout being constructed.
Being a graphics software engineer and doing 3D graphics for about 30 years, it became obvious that in order to have a layout with buildings different than everybody else's, new designs would have to be constructed. With the purchase of a 3D printer, and 3D CAD modelling software, the path became clear for a way to have buildings that were different than everybody else.
Once the buildings started to "multiply" with buildings from other states, the question was asked: What if someone else wanted some of these different buildings for their layout. Our printers run around the clock making the building kits that are on this website.
One of our goals is to have one building from each of the 50 United States. We even give you the physical street address of the building if it is a current prototypical building. If we don't have it, we'll give you the latitude/longitude coordinates for the model, as in our drawbridge kit. Note: Our Historical kits don't exist anymore and as such we cannot supply the street address.
This is our current United States coverage map.