N Scale - Glen's Lobsters Mackerel Cove, Bailey Island, Maine

N Scale - Glen's Lobsters Mackerel Cove, Bailey Island, Maine

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$24.99 USD
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$24.99 USD
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Glens Lobsters
Mackerel Cove
Bailey Island, Maine

Glen’s Lobsters is literally a red barn on a wharf. It is an iconic building in an ideal setting at end of Mackerel Cove. This model can serve as a red barn and a wharf, or like Glen’s Lobsters: A red barn on a wharf.

Note: this kit is a representation of the prototype building, but some artistic liberties have been made to adjust for manufacturing techniques, size constraints and additional features to make the kit into a more versatile/useful presentation.

Lobster traps are not included in the building kit. They are a product of Multiscale Digital and are available here.